reconnecting gathering spring 2019

Photographs from the event

White Feather Ranch, Placerville, California

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Logotype image of a turmeric yellow serif font rendering of the word 'Reconnecting' across the top of the image. In crimson text on a turmeric background under the word is the phrase 'Bringing Indigenous Wisdom into Life and Education'. The O in 'Reconnecting' is a glyph of a large set of conentric circles with a tree of life growing behind, appearing as a NE and SW pole.
Jack Petrash and Nancy Jewel Poer, Waldorf teachers of teachers, warmly invite you to an extraordinary weekend on the theme Re-Connecting with Indigenous Wisdom.

White Feather Ranch, Placerville, California

…I see a time of seven generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the Sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again…

Crazy Horse

Faces of the three elder/educators

With gifted native elders/educators we will participate in a school in the forest, brining ritual, lessons and activities to use in the classroom through dialogue, story, art, food, ceremony and healing practices for daily life.

We will find our pine tree, gather materials and weave pine needle baskets honoring the "basket" at every level — outwardly a container for objects, inwardly a metaphor for receiving new thinking, feeling, and doing out of the values that support individuals, students, community and our mother earth.

We will live into the profound primal wisdom of original people — all so needed for the planet to survive today: reciprocity, reverence for and connectedness to all life.

Invitation to Post-Conference Gathering

White Feather Ranch Retreat Center, at a site of ancient Native grinding rocks, is an hour east of Sacramento in the Sierra foothills.

There are rustic ranch style accommodations and 70 acres for camping.

The program includes campfires, a chance for sleeping under the stars, a sunrise ceremony on Sunday followed by practical indications for our teaching curriculums.

Lodging & Costs

Space is limited

Includes lodging and simple, organic native meals

$250 with housing
$200 camping
$100 Saturday only, includes lunch/dinner

Pastel painting of California indigenous people's artifacts and tools including from left to right the rising sun behind rock glyphs, an ornamental headdress of feathers and painted symbols, a handmade basket with freshly picked herbs, a mountain pine tree and a decorated dream catcher behind a new moon at night all on a large rock grind stone with a pestle in one of the grind holes.
Event flyer (pdf)