Event: Fundamentals of Waldorf Education

Fundamentals 2018 poster.

Waldorf Education

June 10—17, 2018

This seven-day, introductory course is for class teachers, specialty teachers, and parents. It will focus on the spiritual and practical understandings at the heart of Waldorf Education.

This course will include morning, afternoon, and evening sessions during which time we will study child development, the curriculum, the artistic work of the teacher, and classroom management, as well as an in-depth look at today's children and their gifts and challenges.

Jack Petrash Nancy Jewel Poer
Jo-Ann Climenhage

The cost is $525 (plus a $40 supply fee). This includes food and lodging at a rustic and charming retreat setting in the foothills of the Sierra. This tuition is made more affordable through a grant from the Matthew B. Kelly Family Foundation.